Rattlesnake Mystery Lodge
Remember, Renew, Reconnect
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Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society - Arizona
The Sweet Medicine Sundance Path (SMSD) promotes a spiritual practice that has evolved out of the ancient ways of the Twisted Hairs medicine men and women of Turtle Island (the Americas).  Through its world-wide network of teachers, lodges, study groups and organizations, DTMMS makes this path available to all.  DTMMS offers teachings, lectures, workshops, classes, ceremonial opportunities, publications and learning tool to anyone who seeks knowledge, healing, spiritual development and physical mastery.


Sacred Law School - California & Norway

Within the shamanic tradition of the Twisted Hairs, it is said that there are 30 Great Sacred Laws.  These Laws describe the energy principles which govern the universe and the relationships among all things.  When we step outside the Laws, imbalance occur.  This imbalance is reflected both in our decreased personal wellness and in the planet's increasingly at-risk ecology.

The Sacred Law School is a series of workshops designed to introduce you to the 30 Sacred Laws and guide you into deeper alignment both with yourself and the Sacred Laws.


Sweet Medicine Shoppe - Arizona
The Sweet Medicine Shoppe is a retail and wholesale company specializing in items of beauty from Grandmother Earth.  The store offers a wide assortment of products including crystals, herbs, baskets, blankets and other shamanic supplies.


Flowering Tree Lodge - Michigan

The Flowering Tree Lodge is dedicated to sharing the ancient knowledge of the SMSD path, so individuals and families can experience the personal transformation this tradition provides.


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